Research Design, Mobile Data Collection, Mapping & Data Analysis Using NVIVO & SPSS

There's been a rise in the amount of information gathering effort, for example, Health Surveys, Demographic, Socio-Economic, and baseline surveys, Employees, clients and also seller pleasure surveys, as well as opinion polls, everything meant to provide information during decision making.

It's crucial that these initiatives go beyond just producing brand new information from data but to improve human judgment on actual development contexts. Just how can businesses better handle the method of transforming the possibility of information science to positive development outcomes .The course is customized to place all of this significant factor into perspective. After completing the training on research design and data analysis using NVIVO and SPSS , the participants will have the needed skills to create accurate, reliable, and cost-effective data and accounts which are friendly and useful during decision making.

NVIVO, ODK, SPSS and GIS will be used.

Duration: 10 Days

Objectives of Training on Research design and Data Analysis Using NVIVO and SPSS

Understand as well as appropriate use of statistical concepts and terms

• Design and also Implement universally appropriate Surveys

• Convert information into different formats using the correct software

• Strong base in basic statistical concepts

• Build user-friendly details visualizations

• Perform hypothesis testing

• Use the survey data to write reports

• Put techniques to enhance data need and also use when making decisions

Who Can Attend?

This program targets participants with an elementary understanding of Statistics coming from Agriculture,Food Security, Economics, Nutrition, Education, Public or medical health experts among individuals that currently have a little statistical information, but want to be knowledgeable with the principles and uses of statistical modeling.

Topics on NVIVO and SPSS

1: Basic statistical terms and concepts

  • Introduction to statistical concepts
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential statistics

2:Research Design

  • The role and purpose of research design
  • Types of research designs
  • The research process
  • Which method to choose?
  • Exercise: Identify a project of choice and developing a research design

3: Survey Planning, Implementation and Completion

  • Types of surveys
  • The survey process
  • Survey design
  • Methods of survey sampling
  • Determining the Sample size
  • Planning a survey
  • Conducting the survey
  • After the survey
  • Exercise: Planning for a survey based on the research design selected

4:Introduction to SurveyCTO

  •          Introduction and Key Concepts
  •          Overview of ODK and Kobotolbox
  •          Advantages of SurveyCTO
  •          Key Features of SurveyCTO
  •          Case studies on use of SurveyCTO

5:SurveyCTO  Server

  •          Components of SurveyCTO
  •          Data aggregation, storage, and dissemination
  •          Setting up a SurveyCTO server
  •          Managing users & user roles

6:Setting Up SurveyCTO  Collect App

  •          Installing SurveyCTO collect from google play store
  •          Configuring SurveyCTO collect app
  •          SurveyCTO   Collect Application  Interface

7:SurveyCTO Online Form builder

  •          Creating a form
  •          Input types
  •          Adding question to Form
  •          Form logics
  •          Import  and export forms

8:Building Forms using XLSForms

  •          Introduction to xlsform designer
  •          Components of XlSForm
  •          Question types
  •          Handling constraints and required options
  •          Form skip logic
  •          Form Operators and Functions
  •          Grouping Questions
  •          Settings Worksheet
  •          Importing xlsforms to surveyCTO server

9:Using SurveyCTO  Collect

  •          Managing forms in SurveyCTO Collect
  •          Collecting GPS data
  •          Submitting data to  SurveyCTO Server

10:Monitoring Data with SurveyCTO Data Explorer

  •         Monitoring Submission statistics
  •          Monitoring Form submissions and dataset
  •          Reviewing and correcting incoming data
  •         Summarize data submitted for individual fields
  •          Summarize the empirical relationships between field

11:Data Management

  •          Exporting &Exporting data from SurveyCTO as CSV via SurveyCTO Sync
  •          Importing SurveyCTO – CSV file into statistical applications
  •          Downloading data directly from SurveyCTO

11: GIS mapping of survey data using QGIS

  • Introduction to GIS for Researchers and data scientists
  • Importing survey data into a GIS
  • Mapping of survey data using QGIS
  • Exercise: QGIS mapping exercise.

12:Understanding Qualitative Research

  • Qualitative Data
  • Types of Qualitative Data
  • Sources of Qualitative data
  • Qualitative vs Quantitative
  • NVivo key terms
  • The NVivo Workspace

13:Preliminaries of Qualitative data Analysis

  • What is qualitative data analysis
  • Approaches in Qualitative data analysis; deductive and inductive approach
  • Points of focus in analysis of text data
  • Principles of Qualitative data analysis
  • Process of Qualitative data analysis

14:Introduction to NVIVO

  • NVIVO Key terms
  • NVIVO interface
  • NVIVO workspace
  • Use of NVIVO ribbons

15:NVIVO Projects

  • Creating new projects
  • Creating a new project
  • Opening and Saving project
  • Working with Qualitative data files
  • Importing Documents
  • Merging and exporting projects
  • Managing projects
  • Working with different data sources

16:Nodes in NVIVO

  • Theme codes
  • Case nodes
  • Relationships nodes
  • Node matrices
  • Type of Nodes,
  • Creating nodes
  • Browsing Nodes
  • Creating Memos
  • Memos, annotations and links
  • Creating a linked memo

17:Classes and summaries

  • Source classifications
  • Case classifications
  • Node classifications
  • Creating Attributes within NVivo
  • Importing Attributes from a Spreadsheet
  • Getting Results; Coding Query and Matrix Query


  • Data-driven vs theory-driven coding
  • Analytic coding
  • Descriptive coding
  • Thematic coding
  • Tree coding

19:Thematic Analytics in NVIVO

  • Organize, store and retrieve data
  • Cluster sources based on the words they contain
  • Text searches and word counts through word frequency queries.
  • Examine themes and structure in your content

20:Queries using NVIVO

  • Queries for textual analysis
  • Queries for exploring coding

21: Building on the Analysis

  • Content Analysis; Descriptive, interpretative
  • Narrative Analysis
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Grounded Theory

22: Qualitative Analysis Results Interpretation

  • Comparing analysis results with research questions
  • Summarizing finding under major categories
  • Drawing conclusions and lessons learned

23:Visualizing NVIVO project

  • Display data in charts
  • Creating models and graphs to visualize connections
  • Tree maps and cluster analysis diagrams
  • Display your data in charts
  • Create models and graphs to visualize connections
  • Create reports and extracts

24: Triangulating results and Sources

  • Triangulating with quantitative data
  • Using different participatory techniques to measure the same indicator
  • Comparing analysis from different data sources
  • Checking the consistency on respondent on similar topic

25: Report Writing

  • Qualitative report format
  • Reporting qualitative research
  • Reporting content
  • Interpretation

26: Introduction to SPSS   

  • What is SPSS?
  • Opening SPSS
  • Layout of SPSS
  • Exiting SPSS
  • Exercises
  • Brief description and history of SPSS

27: Overview of SPSS

  • The Title Bar
  • The Menu Bar
  • The (Power) Tool Bar
  • The Data Editor (Data View and Variable view)
  • The Status Bar

28: Entering Data   

  • The Logic of Data Files
  • Entering Data
  • Inserting a Variable
  • Inserting a Case
  • Merging Files
  • Reading Data From Other Sources

29: Graphing Data  

  • Frequency Distributions
  • Histograms
  • Stem-and-Leaf Plot
  • Boxplots
  • Bar Graphs
  • Line Graphs
  • Scatterplots
  • Pie Charts C
  • hart Templates
  • Exercises

30: Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Variability and Central Tendency   

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Frequencies
  • Crosstabs
  • Compare Means
  • Exercise

31: Correlation   

  • Correlation
  • Subgroup Correlations
  • Scatterplots of Data by Subgroups
  • Overlay Scatterplots
  • Exercises

32: Regression and Multiple Regression

  • Regression
  • Multiple Regression
  • Exercises

33: Comparing Means Using t-tests 

  • One Sample t-tests
  • Paired Sample t-tests
  • Independent Samples t-tests

·         Exercises

34: Comparing Means Using One-Way ANOVA  

  • One-Way Anova
  • General Linear Model to Calculate One-Way ANOVAs
  • Exercises

35: Comparing Means Using Factorial ANOVA 

  • Factorial ANOVA Using GLM Univariate
  • Simple Effects
  • Exercises

36: Comparing Means Using Repeated Measures ANOVA 

  • Using GLM Repeated Measures to Calculate Repeated Measures ANOVAs
  • Multiple Comparisons
  • Exercises


  • Goodness of Fit Chi Square All Categories Equal
  • Goodness of Fit Chi Square Categories Unequal
  • Chi Square for Contingency Tables
  • Exercises

38: Nonparametric Statistics 

  • Mann-Whitney Test
  • Wilcoxon’s Matched Pairs Signed-Ranks Test
  • Kruskal-Wallis One-Way ANOVA
  • Friedman’s Rank Test for k Related Samples

39: Report writing for surveys, data dissemination, demand and use

  • Writing a report from survey data
  • Communication and dissemination strategy
  • Context of Decision Making
  • Improving data use in decision making
  • Culture Change and Change Management
  • Exercise:Preparing a report for the survey, a communication and dissemination plan and a demand and use strategy.
  • Presentations and joint action planning




22nd to 26th Jan 2024


19th to 23rd Feb 2024


25th to 29th March 2024


22nd to 26th April 2024


20th to 24th May 2024


24th to 28th June 2024


 22nd to 26th July 2024


26th to 30th Aug 2024


23rd to 27th Sept 2024


21st to 25th Oct' 2024


25th-29th Nov' 2024


16 to 20th Dec 2024


Multiple Training Categories

We offer broad training categories  suitable for your needs depending on your profession.

Wish to get more details about this training?


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