Training on Public Relations & Corporate Communications

Training on public relations and corporate communications is at the heart of business performance. Modern methods, tools and channels have greatly increased the speed in which communications can be experienced, from local to global.

In this training course you will learn:

  • The tools and techniques required to manage reputation in a complex media environment
  • How to manage knowledge within the business for media effectiveness
  • How to shape external perceptions of your organisation by first-class corporate internal communications
  • How to develop a strategic approach and a clear plan of action

Training Objectives

This training will enable the participants to:

  • Demonstrate adequate knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice underpinning strategic public relations
  • Understand and define Public Relation and the role of PR in customer care in the organizational development
  • Set Corporate Affairs in its strategic anticipatory and effective context
  • Develop an understanding of stakeholder programmes for regular, focused communication activities
  • Examine the development of Corporate Affairs tools
  • Understand how to develop and coordinate strategy, plans and tactics
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of on-line technology on the media, and design customer care management systems
  • Identify and establish links between excellence in customer service, business practices and polices
  • Demonstrate skills in resolving conflict and confrontation, identify a plan to apply and enhance communication skills in the workplace to address existing conflicts
  • Develop skills and practices that are essential elements to customer care focused services manager
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of public relations in the growth of an organization and as a competitive tool


 Public Relations professionals

Other key personnel in the organization whose work involves contact and interaction with internal / external public

    Also beneficial to personnel professionals who wish to learn how to use communication more effectively – possibly in the areas of personnel, marketing, sales, training and administration and Staff dealing with the Public training to equip participants with the skills, knowledge and confidence to effectively manage the public space, communication and turn around potentially negative performance situations in the workplace, in practical, assertive and constructive manner.

Training Topics o Public Relations and Corporate Communication 

Module 1 Introduction to Public Relations

  • · What is Public Relations?
  • · The Public Relations Environment
  • · Nature & Scope of Public Relations
  • · Elements of Public Relations
  • · Scope of Public Relations Practice
  • · Role of Public Relations
  • · Benefits of Public Relations
  • · What Is Customer Service?
  • · Developing a Customer-Centric Mindset
  • · Who Are Your Customers?
  • · The Need For Customer Service
  • · Developing a Customer Friendly Attitude

Module 2 Tools for Public Relations and Customer Service: Communication Skills

  • · Tools Used for Public Relations
  • · Differences and Similarities in Public Relations, Advertising and Publicity
  • · Objectives of Public Relations, Advertising and Publicity
  • · Publication
  • · Public Opinion Research
  • · Developing Effective Communication Skills
  • · Presenting a Professional Image
  • · Non-verbal Communication Skills
  • · Body Language
  • · Key Body Language Aspects
  • · Physical Distance
  • · Verbal Communication Skills
  • · The Choice Of Words (May I, Please, Thank You)

Module 3 Crafting Consistent Messages

  • The expectations of employees and employers
  • Understanding audiences: segmenting and prioritising
  • Plotting the stakeholder communication journey
  • Getting the message out to audiences
  • Storytelling: creating an unfolding story people pay attention to
  • Empowering employees through social media
  • Steps for creating clear content that has impact
  • Developing trust and credibility with senior leaders

Module 4 Public Relations Process and Customer Analysis: Knowing your Customer

  • · What is Public Relations Process?
  • · External Environment
  • · Macro Environment
  • · Internal Environment
  • · Public Relations Roles
  • · Public Relations Tasks
  • · Knowing Your Customer
  • · Customer Expectations
  • · Assertive Working Style – Results-Oriented
  • · Analytical – Details-Oriented
  • · Amiable – People-Oriented
  • · Dominant Behavioral Style
  • · Determining Your Level of Service

Module 5 Public Relations, Communication and Calming Upset Customers

  • · Planning in Public Relations
  • · Scope of Public Relations Planning
  • · Approaches to the Planning Process
  • · What Makes Customers Upset?
  • · Avoiding Upsets
  • · 5 Key Steps to Calming Upset customers
  • · Accurately identify the problem.
  • · Confirm The Customer’s Value

Module 6 Corporate Public Relations and Telephone Customer Service

  • · What is Corporate Public Relations?
  • · Corporate Organizational Structure
  • · Human Resource Development
  • · Corporate Planning
  • · Corporate Media Relations
  • · Mastering The Telephone
  • · Answering The Telephone
  • · A Professional Greeting
  • · Active Listening
  • · Putting Callers On Hold
  • · Recommendations
  • · Transferring A Call
  • · Taking A Message
  • · Voice Mail
  • · Closing The Call

Module 7 Production of Public Relations Materials and Internet Customer Skills

  • · PR Communication & PR Material
  • · Internal and External Communication
  • · Advantages and Limitations of Printed Material
  • · Requirements of Corporate Publications
  • · The Internet Customer
  • · E-mail Communication Guidelines
  • · Online Chat
  • · Internet Customer Skills
  • · Scripted Responses
  • · Websites
  • · Customer Online Support

Module 8 Media Relations and Time Management Strategies

  • · Media Classifications
  • · Media Relations
  • · Opinion Writing And Public Relations
  • · Evoking and Monitoring Media Response
  • · Crisis Management
  • · Classifications of Media
  • · Time Management
  • · Time Analysis: Task Identification
  • · Task Analysis
  • · Stress Management

Module 9Risks and Threats: Their Identification and Management

  • Planning for the unexpected
  • Using communication activities to manage risk to reputation
  • Repairing a damaged reputation
  • Identifying opinion formers and influencers
  • Engaging with key decision makers
  • Principles for building sustainable relationships with decision makers and influencers
  • VIP and political contact programmes
  • Monitoring political activities

Module 10 Corporate Communications/PR in the Corporate Mix

  • Media Relations best practices
  • Effective event management
  • Developing a crisis management toolkit
  • Hosting VIP visits
  • Protocol in practice
  • Financial PR activities and roles
  • Multinational and global communication challenges

Module 11  Managing Multi-cultures

  • Understanding Culture in people management
  • Multi-cultural organization
  • Cultural practices and perspectives
  • Cultural Differences and behaviors

Module 12 International Standards and Government Diplomats

  • International standard Etiquettes
  • Interacting with Government Diplomats
  • Diplomatic Etiquette and Protocol
  • General Rules
  • Important Points
  • Preparation Tips

Module 13 Powerful and Persuasive Planning

  • 10 stages of PR planning
  • Using market research to plan PR activities
  • Developing measurable objectives for activities
  • Identifying core messages
  • Developing practical communication toolkits
  • Creating a schedule of PR activities
  • Measuring outputs, outcomes and value

Module 14 Putting It All Together

  • Planning your career and personal development
  • Impacting positively on your managers
  • Managing up and increasing your personal visibility
  • Networking and effectiveness
  • Team working and your personal effectiveness
  • Time management and work planning
  • Summary and Conclusion




8th to 19th Jan 2024


5th to 16th Feb 2024


4th to 15th March 2024


1st to 12th April 2024


6th to 17th May 2024


3rd to 14th June 2024


1st to 12th July 2024


5th to 16th Aug 2024


2nd to 13th Sept 2024


7th to 18th Oct' 2024


4th-15th Nov' 2024


2nd to 13th Dec 2024


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