Training on Mediation, Grievance Handling and Conflict Management

Many business leaders do not like dealing with workplace grievance and conflicts because of the stresses and drama these generate. However, workplace conflict is inevitable in any organization and effective workplace grievance and conflict management is now increasingly recognized as a necessity for those occupying leadership positions. This course gives you the key grievance handling and conflict management principles and provides you with important skills, techniques, policies and procedures for conflict prevention and conflict intervention. Learn how to resolve conflicts in the workplace and counsel your people to work harmoniously and productively in the office.

Course Objectives
On completion of the course, participants should be able to:
· Identify sources of conflicts and grievances at the workplace
· Understand what mediation is, its background, the difference between employment and workplace mediation
and when mediation should be used
· Understand the principles of mediation and the benefits of this approach in the modern workplace.
· Manage the mediation process and facilitate constructive negotiation
· Add value to your organisation by effective and timely management of conflicts and disputes
· Benchmark misconduct handling to best practices in the region
· Build the necessary skills, strategies, competence and confidence to undertake effective mediation in the
· Appreciate how mediation fits with other parts of the HR framework
Who Should Attend?

HR officials, departmental heads, project managers, HR consultants, labour relations offices, manager cadres, supervisors, training managers, union leaders.

Course Outline

1. Management Principles and practices

2. Understanding the workplace and Sources of workplace conflict

3. Goals of conflict management

4. Conflict management concept and principles

5.  Workplace procedures – communication, representation, grievances, discipline and dismissal

6. Organization Discrimination and Harassment Policies

7. Diagnosis of conflict

8. Negotiation and mediation

9. Addressing the key principles and aims of mediation

10. Models of mediation procedures

11. Understanding mediation in relation to disciplinary and grievance procedures|

12. Mediation clauses and the contract of employment

13. Dispute resolution – conciliation, arbitration and industrial action

14. Handling of misconduct cases

15. The impact of noncompliance with grievance procedures

16. Enforcing compliance with deadlines and processes

17. Grievance processing

18. The grievance procedure

19. Utilizing steps in the grievance procedure

20. Grievance settlement

21. Dispute settlement Process

22. Best practices in disputes and arbitration processes

23. Models of mediation

24. Suitability for mediation

25. Workplace mediation skills

26. Conflict mapping

27. Conflict mode assessment

28. Styles of managing conflict

29. The phases of mediation and evaluating the role of the mediator

30. Effectively managing the mediation process

31. Planning for mediation and gathering information

32. Dispute resolution

33. Dispute resolution process

34. Conflict management planning and implementation steps

35. Negotiation and mediation

36. Workplace procedures – communication, representation, grievances, discipline and dismissal

37. Conducting the grievance meeting to secure maximum benefit for management

38. Strategic grievance handling

39. Grievance settlement

40. Specific Action plans




22nd to 26th Jan 2024


19th to 23rd Feb 2024


25th to 29th March 2024


22nd to 26th April 2024


20th to 24th May 2024


24th to 28th June 2024


 22nd to 26th July 2024


26th to 30th Aug 2024


23rd to 27th Sept 2024


21st to 25th Oct' 2024


25th-29th Nov' 2024


16 to 20th Dec 2024


Multiple Training Categories

We offer broad training categories  suitable for your needs depending on your profession.

Wish to get more details about this training?


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