Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, & Corporate Social Responsibility




15th to 19th Jan 2024


12th to16th Feb 2024


11th to 15th March 2024


8th to 12th April 2024


13th to 17th May 2024


1oth to 14th June 2024


15th to 20th July 2024


12th to 16th Aug 2024


9th to 13th Sept 2024


14th to 18th Oct' 2024


11th to 16th Nov' 2024


9th to 13th Dec 2024


The program aims to create a comprehension of the underlying concepts of Corporate Governance, CSR and business ethics that apply to the contemporary business atmosphere. It's created to nurture participants understanding of the honest influences on economic, managerial, financial, and green factors of the business. The program further aims to create an ability to significantly analyses ethical problems in business. This course reviews various regulatory processes vital to the knowledge of the concepts of corporate governance.

Who can attend?

Professionals in companies that are private, NGOs, international organizations, and governments who'd love to study and use the idea of governance will see this program helpful.

Program Objectives:

• Explain and evaluate business governance plays in maintaining the stability of marketplaces and keeping public confidence within public intuitions

• Describe and analyses the main areas of corporate governance frameworks

• describe and evaluate the job of inspection in corporate governance

• compare as well as contrast approaches to business governance internationally

• implications of the dynamics and scope of environmental and social accountability for business governance practice

• Explain and assess the roles as well as duties of executive directors, nonexecutive directors, auditors as well as organization secretaries in ensuring effective corporate governance

• Explain the outside reporting needs associated with business governance

• Essential role of ethical values in the importance and business relations of ethical therapy of others for organizational and individual success

• principles and concepts of ethical reasoning which are created in ethical theory, and also to have the ability to apply these ideas and concepts to certain ethical issues

• the legal and regulatory framework of business since it bears on ethical problems in business and also the ethical basis of that framework

• assess the ethical basis of business governance and organization, which includes the ethical reasons for and against the principles of company cultural responsibility as well as stakeholder

Course Content

  1. • Introduction
  2. • Corporate governance principles and theories
  3. • The job of the regulatory framework
  4. • Models of business governance
  5. • Board of directors
  6. • Environmental and social issues
  7. • Corporate governance problems in practice
  8. • Introduction to Ethics
  9. • Ethics Resource Management
  10. • Employers and Employees
  11. • Human and Globalization Rights
  12. • Customers rights as well as privacy
  13. • Environmental Issues
  14. • Regulation and Law on Ethical Issues
  15. • Corporate Programs and Ethical Reasoning
  16. • Ethics in Finance


  • All the participants should be conversant with the English language.
  • All our courses involve a mix of one on one presentations, web based tutorials, group discussions, and practical exercises.
  • All courses can be tailor made and adjusted to meet the client’s needs.
  • We have a team of professional experts who work as professionals and trainers in their respective fields.
  • Each participant will get an Uphilos Consultancy certificate, upon completion of each course.
  • All our training sessions are held at Uphilos Center. For groups above five people we can train at any location in Kenya, above ten people any location within East Africa, and above twenty people at any location as per the client’s specifications.
  • Participants will be responsible for their travel, dinner, airport transfers, and other personal expenses.
  • Accommodation will be arranged upon request at a discounted price.
  • All payments should be made two weeks prior to the training for better logistics. Proof of payment should be sent to [email protected]
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