Training on Report Writing and Presentation Skills




8th to 12th Jan 2024


5th to 9th Feb 2024


4th to 8th March 2024


1st to 5th April 2024


6th to 10th May 2024


3rd to 7th June 2024


1st to 5th July 2024


5th to 9th Aug 2024


2nd to 6th Sept 2024


7th to 11th Oct' 2024


4th-8th Nov' 2024


2nd to 6th Dec 2024


Training on report writing and presentation skills is an important ability in organization. This training on report writing and presentation skills is going to train one on exactly how to succeed in the creating of accounts, formal letters, and essays. All of the skills required are broken down into bite size chunks with clear explanations accompanied by chances to place these into training. Ideal for nearly all amounts for horizons development of report presentation.

Who Can Attend?

The Training on Report Writing & Presentation Skills will focus on education, managers, and delegate staff members whose roles call for producing reports for the institutions of theirs. This can assist them gain skills on how you can compose appropriate reports regarding the improvement of the operations or a workshop of the institutions of theirs.

Program Objectives:

• Understanding requirements of traditional writing

• choosing vocabulary to optimize strength

• Tailoring framework to enhance impact

• crafting structure to improve readability

• writing effectively using spelling that is correct, and punctuation grammar

• creating exceptional reports, essays as well as semiformal letters

• Use of innovative MS word in article formatting

Program Content on Training on Report Writing and Presentation Skills

  1. • Formal Writing
  2. • Writing Essential
  3. • Writing columns which editors
  4. • master formal writing
  5. • Skills overview
  6. • Varied, correct vocabulary
  7. • Sound Planning along with Solid Research
  8. • Logical, maximum impact structuring
  9. • Easy-to-follow layouts
  10. • Techniques and understanding language
  11. • Punctuation and grammar
  12. • Editing and proofreading
  13. • mastering persuasive writing
  14. • Introduction on the Microsoft Word
  15. • Microsoft Word Essentials
  16. • Entering as well as Editing Text
  17. • Formatting a Microsoft Word Document
  18. • Page Layout Techniques
  19. • Microsoft Word Document plus Print Options
  20. • Microsoft Word Tabs
  21. • Microsoft Word Tables
  22. • Word Styles Features
  23. • Pictures inside a Word Document
  24. • Videos to some Microsoft Word Document
  25. • Microsoft Word Mail Merge
  26. • Advanced Level Microsoft Word
  27. • Microsoft Word Forms
  28. • Microsoft Word Templates
  29. • Document Protection
  30. • Track Changes
  31. • Table of Contents with Style
  32. • Adding Endnotes and footnotes


  • All the participants should be conversant with the English language.
  • All our courses involve a mix of one on one presentations, web based tutorials, group discussions, and practical exercises.
  • All courses can be tailor made and adjusted to meet the client’s needs.
  • We have a team of professional experts who work as professionals and trainers in their respective fields.
  • Each participant will get an Uphilos Consultancy certificate, upon completion of each course.
  • All our training sessions are held at Uphilos Center. For groups above five people we can train at any location in Kenya, above ten people any location within East Africa, and above twenty people at any location as per the client’s specifications.
  • Participants will be responsible for their travel, dinner, airport transfers, and other personal expenses.
  • Accommodation will be arranged upon request at a discounted price.
  • All payments should be made two weeks prior to the training for better logistics. Proof of payment should be sent to [email protected]
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