Flood Disaster Management In A Changing Climate Course

Each year across the world, floods result in the loss of lives and considerable damage to , which seriously sets back the improvement process. The climate shift, global warming, socio-economic disparity, and rapid urbanization are making the world, weak to hordes. The requirement to fight the perennial issue of floods and resultant damage continues to be a forefront worry for many nations, which needs a proactive approach to starting a disaster risk reduction routine for sustainable and safer development.

Program Objectives:

• Discuss characteristics of flood danger in a changing climate

• Evaluate the scope of flood danger and vulnerability and look at the capability to effect

• Develop comprehensive methods for flood risk management inside a changing climate

• Apply climate wise structural and nonstructural methods for flood risk mitigation

• Develop response and preparedness plans for highly effective flood risk reduction

• Integrate flood recovery plans with flood risk management methods

• Address cross-cutting problems in flood risk management

Who Can Attend?

Participation of decision makers, elected and also appointed local and national administrators, growth and preparation authorities, water engineers as well as flood control experts, officials in citified planning, public works, housing, and water source & control is particularly encouraged. The program will furthermore help private ground developers, crisis response personnel, UN along with other international agencies, and NGOs working on disaster mitigation.

Program Content

Module one: Introduction

• Terminologies in catastrophe risk management

• Hydrometeorological hazards, their predictability, and formation

• Flood disaster

• Natural catastrophes occurrence

Module two: Impending Flood and Climate Change Risk

• global warming and climate change

• Interventions under difficult situations of climate change

• Developing finding option and climate outlook/scenario for adaptation to local weather change

Module three: Flood Risk Assessment

• Principles and factors of flood assessment

• The process of flood vulnerability and also capacities assessment

• The process of flood chance assessment

• Community-based flood risk assessment

Module four: Flood Risk Mitigation

• Flood managing for flood risk mitigation

• Tools for flood program management

• Climate-wise structural interventions

• Flood proofing in a multi-hazard environment

• Integrated watershed control in a changing climate

• Urban as well as rural development preparation for flood risk reduction

• Public awareness as well as capacity developing for flood risk reduction

Module five: Flood Disaster Preparedness as well as Response Planning Process

• Flood catastrophe preparedness framework

• Flood Contingency Planning Process

• Flood forecasting plus early warning systems

• Flood emergency management

• Flood evacuation process

• Flood search as well as rescue

Module six: Flood Recovery Planning & Implementation

• Planning & implementation

• Flood damage and also need assessment

• Sustainable recovery programs

MODULE seven: Crosscutting Issues

• Economics of flood chance management

• Financial resources for flood risk reduction

• Relevant issues on trans boundary, gender, and governance.




22nd to 26th Jan 2024


19th to 23rd Feb 2024


25th to 29th March 2024


22nd to 26th April 2024


20th to 24th May 2024


24th to 28th June 2024


 22nd to 26th July 2024


26th to 30th Aug 2024


23rd to 27th Sept 2024


21st to 25th Oct' 2024


25th-29th Nov' 2024


16 to 20th Dec 2024


Multiple Training Categories

We offer broad training categories  suitable for your needs depending on your profession.

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