Training on Diplomatic Protocol Etiquette

Training on Diplomatic Protocol Etiquette objective is to maintain a culture of dealing with others skillfully and tactfully, while planning and carrying out official as well as unofficial events, visits, meetings, and functions in accordance with formal social and cultural rules and customs. Your organization and Nation may be humiliated if you don't do it, leading to the risk of taking serious offense. The protocol officers investigate the customs and traditions of Government and Diplomatic visitors, train your staff to behave appropriately during visits or ceremonies, coordinate events such as parties, meetings with guests, and prepare invitations, while also drafting seating plans. Additionally, they recognize security risks and formulate safety plans.

This training on Diplomatic Protocol Etiquette will complement your professional knowledge with skills in diplomatic protocol to support your organization. It will give practical insights that will improve your effectiveness in a wide range of settings.


The objectives of this course on Diplomatic Protocol Etiquette are:

  • Understand the general principles of diplomacy and protocol/etiquette
  • Identify best practices for organizing diplomatic visits and events
  • Recognize the elements which make an event a success or a failure
  • Explain the principles of protocol and etiquette to colleagues and senior managers
  • Develop excellent networking and contact-making skills

Who Can Attend?

This  Introduction to Diplomatic Protocol Etiquette training course would benefit a wide range of professionals but is particularly relevant for:

  • Government protocol officers
  • Civil servants, and those who wish to refresh or expand their knowledge of international protocol
  • NGO staff
  • Public Relations Officers
  • Team Leaders and Managers
  • Corporate Communications Practitioners
  • Public Affairs specialists
  • Meeting and event planners
  • Sales staff

Course Outline

Module 1: The Origins and Practice of Diplomacy

  • The history of protocol
  • Protocol traditions and modern-Module practice, The Vienna Convention
  • Variations between countries
  • The varying roles of diplomats and correct forms of address
  • Religious, multi-faith and cultural implications for protocol
  • Emblems, Flags and Anthems

Module 2: Organizing Formal Events

  • The Art of Gathering – The basic principles of successful events
  • Seating plans, receiving lines and diplomatic precedence
  • Professional, diplomatic, and ceremonial image – Training staff
  • 5 Phases to planning and executing state visits
  • Online meetings
  • Invitations, RSVPs, and follow-up

Module 3: Entertaining and Dining

  • The giving and receiving of gifts
  • Types of dining and their demands
  • Navigating different table settings
  • Making small talk
  • Dining etiquette

Module 4: Building Relationships and Networking

  • How to research a visit, event, or ceremonial?
  • Building your contacts list
  • Intelligence gathering for future events
  • The power of follow-up and staying in touch
  • Building your confidence and presence
  • Introducing people on formal occasions

Module 5: Investing in Yourself

  • The importance of appearance, dress, and grooming
  • The importance of body language from handshake to hangouts
  • Building up a wardrobe for all occasions; Dress codes
  • How to prepare for and profit from any networking opportunity?
  • Assessing and tailoring your style
  • Personality types and how to deal with difficult people




22nd to 26th Jan 2024


19th to 23rd Feb 2024


25th to 29th March 2024


22nd to 26th April 2024


20th to 24th May 2024


24th to 28th June 2024


 22nd to 26th July 2024


26th to 30th Aug 2024


23rd to 27th Sept 2024


21st to 25th Oct' 2024


25th-29th Nov' 2024


16 to 20th Dec 2024


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